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A woolly answer

There isn’t much more sustainable than a load of sheep munching away in a grassy meadow. What’s more, the thin waxy coating of wool fibre contains fatty acids that gives it natural antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. The same coating repels water that can cause mildew and mold to grow. This means woolen items do not need washing as regularly and still smell fresh after repeated use unlike synthetic fibres.

Plant based foam

If little Billie or Millie are going to sit in their luxury Merino Wool cocoon for any length of time, they are going to need a little padding. Foam is normally not the nicest of products, usually made from man-made materials like polypol and polyisocyanates.

Our foam is made from plant-based polymers or to put into English; plain, old, corn-on-the-cob. Not only is our foam sustainable but because it is effectively made from natural sugars it is fully biodegradable.

Recycled travel bag

Recycled travel bag

Needless to say, the rather convenient, tough as old boots, travel bag is sourced from fully recycled PET yarn, which basically means it’s made from a load of recycled water bottles.

1 kg of RPET means there are 60 less plastic bottles in land-fill.

Our plastics

We don’t want to add to the world’s plastic but unfortunately, not every element of a car seat can be recycled – recycled plastics are just not strong enough.

But we want to ensure that we take out more plastic than we put into the world.

So, we’ve linked up with Big Blue Ocean Cleanup.

It’s a simple enough equation, a RyRy Scallop includes 4.2kg of new plastic, which isn’t great, so for every car seat sold we will fund the removal of 5kg from the World’s Oceans.

Black & White

Black & White





Limited Edition


“Designed not just with safety and portability in mind, the RyRy Scallop doesn’t compromise when it comes to style and sustainability.”
“Safe enough for everyday use, yet compact enough to travel with you in style wherever you are in the world.”